Thursday, April 19, 2007

Easter, Art, Family, and Blood...

The past few weeks have been full, very full. Easter week brought a load of blessings and stress all wrapped up together tightly. My parents came to visit, and it was so great to spend time with them and have them stay in our new place (YAY, we finally have plenty of room for guests!) and watch them making new memories with our boys. During their visit, My, my mom, and the boys were in a car accident. The boys are fine, my mom hurt her foot and ankle, and in addition to walking around in the tunnel of painkillers and muscle relaxers I have been going to the chiropractor for back and neck pain. Bizarre things happened, like the car running out of gas on the way to Easter sunday church. Amidst the bizarrities(is that a word), were the great moments, some of which I will share here.
Time with Nana and Papa:

We also enjoyed going to the art walk on a cold Friday night in midtown with some friends:

Easter was really freaking cold out, so we don't have too many pics of the boys, and none as a fam because we were inside all day, but the boys did have an indoor egg hunt at grandmom and poopah's house, and we enjoyed time together and a great Easter dinner. Here's the pics I did get, oh, and for the record, I have the two cutest boys on the face of the earth:

And now for the portion of the post with interesting pics:
first, hilarious tyler and micah wearing my dad's glasses. They crack me up!

then, the story just so gross and bizarre that I had to take a picture of it. Yesterday, I was in the kitchen cleaning. Micah had been sitting out on the couch watching a movie. He walked up to me and said, "what happened, mommy?" I turned around to see this:

Yes, blood everywhere - spread all over his hands and head, and on his new Gap shirt. It looked so terrible and awful, and yet he was happy as a clam. I took him to the bathroom to clean him up and when he saw himself in the mirror, he said, "HAHA, I'm kinda like ketchup!" That's when I decided I had to take a picture, or no one would believe the story! Don't worry, he is fine. For those of you that know, Micah is a bona-fide nose picker and certified bugger eater. He just must have picked a little too hard in his left nostril!

Oh, the adventrues. Love to you all!