our overwhelmingly rockin' christmas
This Christmas held so much fun, excitement, adventure, and richness to it that is is a BIG job to try and recap it all in a blog post. But, alas I will try and share as much as possible with you all.
Christmas for us started in our living room with the boys over a week before christmas day. With our packed December, it was the only night we had free to open gifts just the 4 of us, but it was great - it was definitely an apple Christmas for jeremy and I. (watch the video to see what i mean)

my superman husband got me and the boys Christmas cards with beautifully penned notes inside. I loved the joy in micah's face when he opened his - a Thomas card, of course.

For the next part of our Christmas story, jeremy and I hopped on a plane to go to New York City and visit our dear friends Devon and Zak and Tim and Krysten. Tim and Krysten had just returned for Christmas from Kuwait where they are living for a 2 year period as teachers at an international school. All four of these people are so very dear to us, and we find ourselves wondering how we live life without having them in close proximity, but whenever are together it feels like the way things should be - they are definitely family to us. Our adventures in NYC began with getting all glammed up and going to see the Nutcracker at the Lincoln Center and it was even more incredible than I ever dreamed it would be. Then, we went home, got on our pj's and I made an epic fondue dinner (my families recipe for each Christmastime since we lived in switzerland 24 years ago).

we spent the evening catching up on life, stories, and sharing pieces of our glorious culture like THIS that tim&krysten are currently missing out on.

We also introduced Dev and Zak to Flight of the Concords, which is by far our favorite show of 07.
A big piece of the puzzle was missing in our absent friend, sarah. So Devon made a picture of her and we took her everywhere we went - from Rockefeller Center to ice skating in central park.

and yes, ice skating in central park the week of Christmas was as magical if not more than I ever thought it to be on the movies. Skating hand in hand with a handful of the dearest friends we have as christmas music played in the background and the city's tall buildings loomed overhead was truly pefect.

times square at night - nothing like it

Among the amazing places that we ate (Grey dog, Pastisse, gyro place, City crab, and more) none could ever satisfy a sweet tooth like the chocolate by the bald man - Max Brenner. The hug mug of dark hot chocolate, the urban smores with rich melted chocolate on the side and the chocolate shake were all to die for!!! (chocolate is also a natural aphrodisiac as shown by this picture of j and I. ;)

We left new york with sadness because we miss our friends so much, but we had joy in the incredible memories made, and anticipation for the rest of our journey.
Next was Christmas at the Parsons home with Jeremy's family. All of his sisters were home and the night we arrived home from NYC, we spent the night there and the next day had great family christmas with them (on christmas eve eve).

The next day, we boarded a plane to fly to Georgia to spend Christmas day and the 10 days following it relaxing and making memories at my parents house.

being a child warm in pajamas with those who adore you and new toys on Christmas morning - is there anything better at the age of 2 and 4?

Two days after christmas, I flew back to KC to photograph a wedding. It was a beautiful wedding with beautiful images (click here to see some) and when I returned, I was happy to have a week to relax with my family at my parents house and enjoy a vacation. It was truly a wonderful Christmas, and I am still overwhelmed at how blessed we were to share it with so many of the people that we love dearly.

CLICK HERE for the quick slideshow of our adventures!! (ps, it may take a couple of minutes to load, and you may have to click the play button a few times, but it does eventually work - sorry for the glitch, but it is worth the wait!!
Christmas for us started in our living room with the boys over a week before christmas day. With our packed December, it was the only night we had free to open gifts just the 4 of us, but it was great - it was definitely an apple Christmas for jeremy and I. (watch the video to see what i mean)

my superman husband got me and the boys Christmas cards with beautifully penned notes inside. I loved the joy in micah's face when he opened his - a Thomas card, of course.

For the next part of our Christmas story, jeremy and I hopped on a plane to go to New York City and visit our dear friends Devon and Zak and Tim and Krysten. Tim and Krysten had just returned for Christmas from Kuwait where they are living for a 2 year period as teachers at an international school. All four of these people are so very dear to us, and we find ourselves wondering how we live life without having them in close proximity, but whenever are together it feels like the way things should be - they are definitely family to us. Our adventures in NYC began with getting all glammed up and going to see the Nutcracker at the Lincoln Center and it was even more incredible than I ever dreamed it would be. Then, we went home, got on our pj's and I made an epic fondue dinner (my families recipe for each Christmastime since we lived in switzerland 24 years ago).

we spent the evening catching up on life, stories, and sharing pieces of our glorious culture like THIS that tim&krysten are currently missing out on.

We also introduced Dev and Zak to Flight of the Concords, which is by far our favorite show of 07.
A big piece of the puzzle was missing in our absent friend, sarah. So Devon made a picture of her and we took her everywhere we went - from Rockefeller Center to ice skating in central park.

and yes, ice skating in central park the week of Christmas was as magical if not more than I ever thought it to be on the movies. Skating hand in hand with a handful of the dearest friends we have as christmas music played in the background and the city's tall buildings loomed overhead was truly pefect.

times square at night - nothing like it

Among the amazing places that we ate (Grey dog, Pastisse, gyro place, City crab, and more) none could ever satisfy a sweet tooth like the chocolate by the bald man - Max Brenner. The hug mug of dark hot chocolate, the urban smores with rich melted chocolate on the side and the chocolate shake were all to die for!!! (chocolate is also a natural aphrodisiac as shown by this picture of j and I. ;)

We left new york with sadness because we miss our friends so much, but we had joy in the incredible memories made, and anticipation for the rest of our journey.
Next was Christmas at the Parsons home with Jeremy's family. All of his sisters were home and the night we arrived home from NYC, we spent the night there and the next day had great family christmas with them (on christmas eve eve).

The next day, we boarded a plane to fly to Georgia to spend Christmas day and the 10 days following it relaxing and making memories at my parents house.

being a child warm in pajamas with those who adore you and new toys on Christmas morning - is there anything better at the age of 2 and 4?

Two days after christmas, I flew back to KC to photograph a wedding. It was a beautiful wedding with beautiful images (click here to see some) and when I returned, I was happy to have a week to relax with my family at my parents house and enjoy a vacation. It was truly a wonderful Christmas, and I am still overwhelmed at how blessed we were to share it with so many of the people that we love dearly.

CLICK HERE for the quick slideshow of our adventures!! (ps, it may take a couple of minutes to load, and you may have to click the play button a few times, but it does eventually work - sorry for the glitch, but it is worth the wait!!
These pictures make my heart swell!! Time with you guys truly is magical! I also love the pic of Tyler fogging up the glass, he looks like a poor pitiful little Christmas orphan! Good thing I know he has wonderful parents! Love you guys and miss you all the time!
Hey Parsons- Loved the update. Wish COLORADO would have been on the Parson agenda. Visits from you are always welcome here. As I was scrolling through the pics Noah was naming everyone. The most comical observation was when we came to Ashley's picture in Time Square at night. He said "It's Ashley, and the Police!" It took me a minute to clue in but there is a NYC Police car in the back ground. I guess even his little mind comprehends that you are trouble Ash. Love to all,
Yay for Christmas! Yay for New York! Yay for friends and family! Yay for 2 and 4! Boo for time; boo for distance; boo for sitting here in Kuwait listening to the Muslim call of prayer and thinking about my best friends thousands of miles away... I love you and miss you even more after being together for the blink of an eye.
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