Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sarahs, and Nanas, and Papas, oh my!

What a wonderful past couple of weeks we have had, atually, it's been well over a month since I posted. We have been busy with the beautiful boys, my school schedule, Jeremy's work and involvement in churhc. God has been so good to us, reminding us of His love and blessing us with very special memories - a visit from our dear friend Sarah, and from Nana and Papa, too!!
having a late birthday dinner together (it had been 1 year since Sarah and I had seen each other!)

at the farmer's market

the boys loved playing with Sarah!

and playing at the park!

heading out for another adventure with Sarah and mommy!

fun at the farm

what beautiful boys!!! None cuter!

fun with Nana and Papa in Kansas City

Micah at the train expo @ Union Station with Papa

fun at Union Station and downtown

we have had so much fun!